Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ahh to be a Saturday

Last week, spring was really coming to life for me and then the plug was pulled by a surprise snowstorm - in March, in Dallas, after a week of sunny days. That's okay, us Texas girls know how to roll with things.
     This is my back patio as the snowflakes began to come down in the evening,
7 short days ago.  I still wasn't convinced it was happening.

But the next morning convinced me.

This is my little sanctuary this afternoon.

Wow, how things can change in a week. The feeling of spring has now sunk deep into my bones. What a good Saturday. I had a morning workout in a park with my lovely bootcamp. Excuse me, I'm not sure how I just described bootcamp as lovely - make that hot, sweaty mess of pain bootcamp, thank you very much! After an hour of sprinting, jumping, crunching, and whining with about 40 others, I headed to a neighborhood farmer's market. It was the first time, I'd had a chance to visit this market and I love the concept but was a little disappointed today. I know its early in the season but when I hear farmer's market I expected fruit and veggies everywhere and that wasn't the case at all. It turned out to be more fresh local cheeses, breads and cookies. These are 3 of my favorite things, so I did somehow survive and find something to buy. The morning was rounded out with some yoga - oh how the body knows when I haven't yogaed in a long while. I've been out on the back porch most of the afternoon, reading and having a little white wine. (Probably wasn't good to pick up that afternoon wine habit traveling in Italy, oh well, la dolce vita!!)

Now, I need to get in gear and get ready for a night out. Going out with a friend and a group of girls I don't know, which is always fun; I like meeting new friends. Not sure the exact plan, I know mexican food at a very fun restaurant (owned by a very colorful transexual) is involved and probably dancing. Not my usual old-school hiphop gig but country dancing people. I actually love to two-step but haven't gone to a full-fledged country bar once since I've lived in Dallas. I two-stepped all through college (and then some) but for some reason, country bars in Dallas make me feel like I'll be stepping back in time to Urban Cowboy. We will see...should be interesting, I'm sure there will be a cute cowboy or two. ;)

One of my little moments for today that reminds me
to enjoy the journey...even the squirrels (running along the middle branch) are loving it.

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